Archive for May 2020
stepping into someone’s head as a copywriter
This week I got a question: When you’re writing copy, how do you find the balance between being true to the company’s voice but also bringing your own ideas/slant? Had this challenge before when I was hired based on very ‘me’ samples specifically written for that company, but when it actually came to writing a…
Read Morewhat’s in a name?
I’m here to talk about names and taglines. Short writing is probably THE hardest, most time consuming writing there is. How are you gonna compress a complex idea into just three words? By writing a LOT of other words and doing a LOT of cutting until you arrive at the right ones. So today I’m…
Read MoreCommon questions about email
Today I’m sharing some of the email questions I’ve been asked by consulting clients and coaching students… in case you’ve been wondering some of these same things as you’re working on your email marketing: #1) I’m afraid of mailing too much… I don’t want to seem desperate or pushy. Operate from the assumption that people…
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